Discover Global eCommerce Trends for Online Retailers

03 febbraio, 2020

E-Commerce Customs

If you’re entering the world of international online retail for the first time, you might be feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of familiarizing yourself with new technology, packaging practices, or cross-border shipping regulations.

This is only natural as the industry changes frequently. The devices your customers are shopping on now might be obsolete in a few short years, and North American and European e-commerce markets will likely be saturated.

The changing e-commerce landscape is already causing localised content and checkout options to be more relevant than ever before. Additionally, global e-commerce sales are expected to grow to nearly 5 trillion USD (nearly 4.4 trillion EUR) by 2021. With this in mind, there is plenty of room for online retailers to expand their sales across borders.

To take advantage of this global growth potential and conquer these obstacles, online retailers need to stay up-to-date on international marketing strategies, solutions for localising the checkout experience, worldwide import and export regulations, and options for global shipping and returns.

For the information you need to get started, download our complimentary guide and learn the basics of global e-commerce trends, such as packaging, tracking, international shipping and returns, and more.

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